
Erotikill is what happens when horror meets horniness.

Nothing goes more hand in hand with death than sex. Let me tell you, nothing gets me hotter than having lesbian sex and then going out to commit murders together. And, for a change, this box isn't actually that bad. It's got an almost vaporwave quality to it, but overall it isn't actually too terrible. It's not fantastic either, by any means, especially the back, but it's alright. You've got this cool dual image of your lead and then your lead as a skull, which is a nice comparison shot. Hell, even the title font is pretty neat, plain as it seems to be. Though, if I have any issues to gripe about with the cover it's that they should've done her whole face as one image instead of this actual mirroring. One half of her face as fleshy, the other as skeletal. That would've been a lot better.

And the back, as always plagued by the ever present "multiple out of context screenshots" we've all come to know and love. Released by a company called Force Video, an appropriate name because that's the only way you're going to get someone to watch this is if you force them, and initially shot in 1973 but not released til 1975, Erotikill has also been known by a few other titles such as the super generic "Female Vampire" and the overly questionable "The Bare Breasted Countess". Honestly, I think for once, a title like "Erotikill" might be the best title. Writtern & directed by a man named Jesus Franco which, really, is one of the best names I've ever heard, it follows a female vampire who has sex with male and female victims, and - no, I'm NOT making this up much as I wish I were - performs oral sex on them until they die, thusly draining them of their sexual fluids.

Yeah. You read that right. I didn't mistype it. That's an idea someone genuinely had, and then felt was good enough to share with the world.

It is essentially what it sounds like; a feature length vampire porn. There's apparently three versions of this movie as well; the straight forward vampire film titled "The Black Countess", a horror oriented erotica version titled "The Bare Breasted Countess" and a hardcore pornography version titled, and once again I'm not making this up, "The Swallowers". That's just...that's filthy. The director defends the erotic qualities of the movie, stating that it's important to show how the Vampire survives by sucking the blood of their victims, and said, and this is a real quote, "You must show how Dracula sucks blood, you must show how this countess sucks semen". At this point in the post, you must be wondering whether or not I regret not having looked into this more before deciding to write this, and the answer is yes. Yes I really do. I hate this. This is awful.

For once, I actually had trouble tracking down other VHS boxes for this movie, but I did manage to find two (albeit two with the same title). The first of which is located to your left here, and actually does what I suggested the original do, which is make the leads face half flesh and half skeletal. See how much better that works than just doing that goofy half assed mirroring? Also, as a gay woman, not gonna complain too much about seeing some lesbian vampire sex going on here. A fairly good image if you ask me, but perhaps I'm a bit biased.

This box actually isn't all that bad, honestly. This is probably one of the better overall pieces of art on this blog that I've covered. The font is excellent and fits in well with the overall aesthetic, you've got that cool half face design, and you've got two girls preparing to partake in the wonderful ritual of queer vampire sex. What more do you really need, honestly? And I appreciate that they put "AKA Female Vampire" in there too, just to clarify in case you needed some help figuring out just what this movie was.

But the third box that I managed to dig up, and this is a first for this blog, actually isn't even just a scan, it's a straight up photo because, as far as I could find, there was no scan of this box on the internet. Maybe that's for the better, because this one is downright goofy.

Let's start with the fact that this is just, overall, an awful visual concept. I'm by no means a prude, and I enjoy some vamp cleavage as much as the next lady, but holy hell was this an awful idea. Whether it's the bat necklace they hung around her neck (ya know, just to clarify she's a vampire, in case the fucking titled, "Female Vampire", wasn't obvious enough for you), or it's just the overall blandness of this image, none of those are actually the real culprit for why this box sucks so much, vampire pun not intended.

This box sucks primarily because it seems to have been released by a company called Redemption, who, in a moment of pure genius, decided to put what I can only assume is their logo, a blank eyed womans face, at the top of this box, without really considering the fact that their logo is on the top of this womans neck, thus making it look like she has a tiny head on top of a huge body. If this wasn't so fucking stupid design wise, it'd be hilarious. And, they made the title on this one totally backwards from the last. Not only is the font plain ass boring, but this one is titled "Female Vampire" and then (AKA "Bare Breasted Countess") which is the literal opposite of the previous box. This whole thing is a mess. Whoever made that design choice should've been fired, and then barred from ever working in the field of graphic design ever again.

Overall this entire thing is a nightmare, honestly. And not just because it features a nightmarish creature such as a vampire that apparently goes down on just about anyone, but because it's just a bad design across the board outside of the two faced art, which is really the only saving grace of the entire thing. Erotikill, Female Vampire, Bare Breasted Countess, whatever title you wanna call it, there's one thing this VHS box isn't, and that's good. Acceptable? I suppose. Passable? Sure. But good? Well, that's a relative term and much too vague to answer, really.

Though I will admit that this made me want to see more lesbian vampires. Give me that queer fanged representation!


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