
Showing posts from May, 2021

Blood Shack

Listen, I don't think I even have to explain this, but when a building has a name that specifically implies what occurs inside this building, or what it's representing, you might want to steer clear of it especially if that name is dangerous. For example, I don't go to Pizza Hut and ask for tacos, because it's a hut that serves pizza. Same reason I don't go to Radioshack to try and buy books, because it's a shack full of electronics. Do you see what I'm saying? So it only stands to reason then that if a place is called Murder House or Death Row or, in this weeks case, fucking Blood Shack, that yeah, perhaps you shouldn't go poking around in it. It's just common sense, really. I mean, what do you really expect to find inside of a Blood Shack? Blood, presumably. Possibly even your own blood if you're not careful. So just stay the hell away from it. It's not like you're going to find buried pirates treasure. It's not called Pirate Treas...

Hitchhike To Hell

Once more, we dive back into the gift that keeps on giving, a nonstop ordeal on this blog, a classic family favorite topic...strangulation! This is one of those rare cases where there's nothing really specific about this box art that jumps out at you, it's just that the whole thing is bad. Like, this entire thing is an assault on your eyes, and frankly I'm not even sure where to begin pressing the blame first. Should we start at the hideous nuclear yellow vomit they colored the outside with, or perhaps the ridiculous font for "Hell"? Or maybe, just maybe,the bizarre idea to put yet another woman being choked to death on the cover, even though it takes you a full few minutes to really comprehend that that's what you're actually looking at? As I said, there's no real starting point; the whole thing is a goddamned travesty. The description on the back, "A horrific story of the rape and murder of countless runaway girls by a homicidal maniac", i...