Fists Of Blood
So, I have questions. I can't be guaranteed I'll be given answers, but I have questions nonetheless. I suppose my first question would be what in the fresh hell is going on on this cover? Because for all intents and purposes, it appears that a man has just fisted a VHS box - violently, I might add, given the blood on his hand - while a well armed member of the Gay Agenda looks on in shock at the sinful display of heterosexuality going on just within his peripheral vision. Also, and maybe this doesn't matter since I'm a lesbian, but I would never fuck a man named Jason Blade. I mean, that's the kind of name a teenager gives his edgy self insert. Also, the description on the back basically tells you everything that's going to happen, leaving no mystery, so you don't even need to watch the movie, you can just read the movie. But the odd thing is, this is the only piece I could find for Fists of Blood, because it also went by a second title, a title much cheesie...