Mad Mutilator

Perhaps it's best that this is in another language, because it saves us from having to read it and, in essence, attempt to understand it. Which is good, because trying to comprehend what it is I'm seeing just visually is complicated enough without having the text to attempt helping make sense of it. Thankfully (or not, I guess, depends on how you feel) I go the extra mile and dug up some information for us about the film. The movie also goes by Ogroff, and is a French slasher film released in 1983. Perhaps the most fascinating facet of the film is how it was devised entirely by the film's director, writer, and actor, Norbert Moutier (credited as N. G. Mount), who was a video rental store proprietor with the hopes of renting it to patrons at his store. Kind of brilliant, if we're being honest. Make your own movie, then rent it to the people who visit your shop. I kind of have to admire that level of deviousness. And to be fair, this isn't inherently "bad" b...