One Away

This doesn't even look like the cover to a real action film. It looks like the cover to what someone imagines an action film would look like. It looks like the cover to a parody of an action film. In fact, the release date for this picture is 1976 and this thing could not look anymore 70s if it tried. You've got a motorcycle, a naked woman and a helicopter, all done in the classic hand drawn cover art we've come to know and love. The description reads "A breathtaking motorcycle manhunt across the African wilderness", which makes it sound like they're hunting a sentient motorcycle who, I don't know, committed some sort of motorcycle crime and is now being chased for vengeance? He committed quite literal Grand Theft Murder and now the husband of the woman motorcycle he killed wants revenge but first he has to catch him? That sounds a lot better than this movie likely is. Actually, there's no real way for me to know, outside of watching the mov...